Signature Styles & Characteristics
Signature Styles & Characteristics
Although any grape can be interpreted in innovative and at times, outlier styles, the following chart/graphic represents the preponderance of what you will find California’s winemakers producing.
Dryness/Residual Sugar
Still: 55 percent on a scale from 辛口 to Sweet of Dryness/Residual Sugar. Sparkling: 30 percent on the same scale.
Acid (potential)
Still: 95 percent on a scale from Low to High of Acid (potential). Sparkling: 95 percent on the same scale.
Alcohol (potential)
Still: 55 percent on a scale from Low to High of Alcohol (potential). Sparkling: 55 percent on the same scale.
Body (weight on palate)
Still: 50 percent on a scale from Light to High of Body (weight on palate). Sparkling: 50 percent on the same scale.
Texture (Still)
Still: 100 percent on a scale from Tart and lean to round and smooth to of Texture (Still).
Texture (Dessert)
Still: 100 percent on a scale from Round, smooth and creamy to of Texture (Dessert).
Texture (Sparkling)
Sparkling: 100 percent on the same scale.
Not Applicable. Wines, however, can be slightly phenolic due to intentional skin contact.
Influenced by climate, terroir, clonal selection, and winemaking.
Guava, melon (green/orange), quince, apple (red/yellow/green), pear (yellow/brown), passion fruit, lime, peach, persimmon, mandarin orange, grapefruit, kumquat, citrus curd -
Grass/hay, peppermint, echinacea, ginger, sunflower seeds -
Chamomile, citrus blossom, honeysuckle, lavender, wildflower, saffron, jasmine -
Chalk, mineral, stone -
Oak (sweet styles primarily). Vanilla, nutmeg, graham cracker, meringue, marzipan, brioche -
Juicy fruit gum, custard, honey
2-10 years, pedigree-dependent; the best can live even longer; the finest sweet dessert styles can last for decades