Have you ever wondered how we arrived where we have, wine-wise, in California?
And yes, while I am old enough to have experienced first-hand considerable amounts of what set the table from the last 1960s on, I am also aware that I do not know every key happening nor all the critical individuals whose pioneering courage, leadership and yes, at times chutzpah, helped shape what we so frequently take for granted today.
So, if you are a history buff like me, you can only imagine my delight when I stumbled up this amazing University of California Davis library source of documents and bequeathed resources that have led UC Davis to proclaim it as ‘…. the greatest wine library in the world’ featuring names like Jancis Robinson, Hugh Johnson, Leon David Adams, and more.
To find this you can say it is striking vinous gold, so to speak, in the Golden State.
Check out this collection of living legends featured in UC Davis's Wine Writers Collection here.